Owner / Architect, Larry A. Miller
- City College of New York City School of Architecture 1974
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
- City College of New York City School of Architecture 1975
Bachelor of Architecture

Licensed Architect
- Architect, State of Ohio
- Architect, State of Michigan
- Architect, State of Pennsylvania
- NCARB Certified
(National Council of Architectural Registration Boards)
- A.I.A Award for Outstanding Thesis Project 1974
Ohio BBS Certification
- Class I Building Official 1990
- Class II Plans Examiner 1989
- Class III Building Inspector 1992
Architectural & Construction Resume
- Over 2000 projects for self-owned company “Home Design Architects” & self-owned company “LAM Associate Architects”.
- LAM Associates, 1990 to Present
- Specialized in daycare work as Architect and Project Manager since 1994.
- Design Architect and Project Manager for WSOS Head Start daycare projects since 1995.
- Specialized in Residential work since 1991.
- Design Architect and Project Manager for Residential new homes and additions.
- Plans examiner and Building Official for a number of counties in Ohio since 1987.
Architect/ Builder
- Formed Peristyle Architecture & Construction in 2003 as an architect lead design / build organization. See Services
- Among completed design / build Residential projects to date:
- Gilley Residence, Devils Lake, MI
- Miller Residence, Toledo, OH
- Dene Residence, Temperance, MI
- Bodie Residence, Port Clinton, OH
- Heinrich Residence, Toledo, OH
- Iott Residence, Toledo, OH
- Among completed design / build Commercial projects to date:
- Belamere Suites Hotel, Perrysburg, OH
- Mytee Automotive, Sylvania Township, OH
- Jennifer Zoll D.D.S, Toledo, OH
- Building Blocks Academic Learning Center, Toledo, OH
- Office Building, 2722 Holland Sylvania, Toledo, OH
- Knot & Rope Inc., Perrysburg, OH
Professional History
- Peristyle Architecture & Construction
- Founded Construction Company
- 2003 – Present
- Private Practice / Office
- Commercial and Residential Work
- 1990 – Present
- Lucas County Building Regulations Department
- Plans Examiner
- Assistant Building Official
- 1989 – 1992
- City of Maumee / Wood County
- On Contract Plans Examiner Back-up Building Official
- 1989 – 1996
- Dana Construction Company, Port Clinton, OH
- Staff Architect for Builder
- 1989
- HCR, Lima / Toledo, OH
- Project Manager – Health Care
- 1987 – 1988
- SSOE Architects & Engineers, Toledo, OH
- Project Manager – Commercial / Industrial Quality
- Control Officer
- 1984 – 1987
- Howald Architects Inc., Toledo, OH
- Project Manager – Health Care
- 1982-1984
- Misc. Drafting & Field Work, East Coast after College
- 1976 – 1980